The project is located on the University of Delaware campus, on the west side of Academy Street in the city of Newark, Delaware. The existing site consists of lawn areas with adjacent parking and Fire Lane areas. The proposed, 4-story, 517-Bed SARH facility will be located on lawn areas resulting in a significant increase in stormwater runoff peak rate and volume. Due to regional stormwater infrastructure constraints the project SWM Design is separated into two design sub-systems. System 1 is the traditional SWM quality control design that also provides minimal additional SWM quantity control mitigation. This SWM System is typical of most recent development projects and will consist of smaller Bio-Retention Facilities and Rain Gardens located throughout the overall SARH facility, to be located in the open lawn areas adjacent to the building and walks. System 2 is the additional offsite SWM quantity control facility that is required to over-detain the increased stormwater runoff peak rate and volume and will consist of a combination of new offsite stormwater conveyance (pipe/inlet systems) and offsite subsurface detention systems (StormTech system).